We advance law enforcement that is safe & effective ​for police and the communities they serve​.

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Resources & Links

Resources & Links

Solutions Start Here.

We’re building a database of the most useful resources related to community-led police reform: what it looks like, where to start, and who to partner with. We’ll be building this page up as our experts highlight the resources and organizations they recommend and use. We’re also producing ELEFA Academy guides on many of the topics below! Return to this site for updates.


Currently, ELEFA’s police reform database includes useful tools, research, and other organizations dedicated to making policing safer, more effective, and procedurally just. These resources are here to help you start thinking about what you and your community can do to drive meaningful reform.

ELEFA Academy: Better Policing 101

At ELEFA, we believe in empowering the public to be drivers of reform. To help invested community members lead the drive for change, we’ve created course materials on some of the key elements of safe, effective, and procedurally just policing, and guides on how to get there.

Mental Health Crisis and Police Response

Our Community Guide is designed to help foster a dialogue between stakeholders interested in reforming mental health policing in your community. The guide introduces an ecosystem approach; offers proven solutions and straightforward first steps; and discusses how solutions can be resized or fitted to a variety of communities. Supplemental materials and video content help reinforce learning on this topic.

Use of Force

Learn about what constitutes a police use of force; why police use force; what regulations govern it at the state and federal level; and what modern departments are doing to move towards policing that prioritizes the safety of everyone involved. We interview experts and provide guides on what a good force authorization policy looks like.

Resources for Reform

The Stanford Center for Racial Justice has developed a model Use of Force policy. The team of lawyers, former prosecutors, and other experts have read through and synthesized best practices from existing research as well as policies from Police Departments around the country. It is currently in its beta release.

The US Department of Justice, in collaboration with the National Policing Institute, have developed a Federal Interventions Dashboard. This tool tracks Civil Consent Decrees and settlements between the Department of Justice and local/state policing entities. It provides location maps, timelines and descriptions of the different interventions into policing by the DoJ, and can be a useful tool to learn what your community or others are doing to improve policing standards.

NYU Policing Project’s SAJE assessment is a new tool created with the purpose of defining, measuring, and standardizing the characteristics of better policing. The tool measures the success of a department based on 100 metrics split into four categories: sound, accountable, just, and effective. The pilot department is Tuscon, AZ Police Department (TPD).

Change can start with a conversation.

Bringing together knowledgeable and passionate members of your local community and asking questions about lived experience with law enforcement can help illuminate the key areas in need of reform.


The Vera Institute of Justice’s mission is to reform the criminal justice system and end mass incarceration through research into evidence-based solutions.

The Police Executive Research Forum is dedicated to research and policy guidance on policing in America.

The Active Bystandership for Law Enforcement (ABLE) Project is a national hub for training and technical assistance. ABLE training comes at no cost and fosters a commitment to peer intervention among officers.

Campaign Zero is an advocacy network focused on criminal justice reform so that deaths from police interventions can reach zero.

The NYU Policing Project litigates and drafts model legislation to help improve police accountability before an incident occurs. Their 30×30 Initiative addresses the under-representation of women in policing.

The National Police Accountability Project (NPAP) is dedicated to holding police officers accountable in cases of misconduct.

Police Reform in the News