We advance law enforcement that is safe & effective ​for police and the communities they serve​.

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Our Work

Sustainable law enforcement practices

Advancing Safe & Effective Law Enforcement For All

ELEFA is implementing the best elements of policing leadership, education, accountability & practices. We leverage diverse, multifaceted experience when transforming the thinking & operations of police departments. Our services meet this demand for safe, effective, constitutional policies, practices & procedures that enforce the law, deter crime, and establish new ​bonds of trust ​for police departments and the communities they serve.

The ELEFA Model

The ELEFA Model builds a “virtuous circle” of sustainable law enforcement practices that are safe and effective for police and the communities they serve.


We educate the public, civic leaders, and police on reimagining public safety in their communities.


We guide law enforcement and public safety leadership to model policies, education, accountability systems, and practices necessary to implement and sustain best practices, recognizing that the sustainability of police reform depends on the “tone at the top”.


We promote, implement, and work to sustain community policing practices that are effective in deterring crime, enforcing the law, and protecting public safety.


We advance elements of procedural justice for all law enforcement practices, both in substance and perception— these practices must be fair to the police, those in their custody and to the public.


We help ensure communities and police understand and enforce high standards for police performance through systems that ensure internal accountability and the external transparency necessary to earn and maintain the public’s trust.

ELEFA Projects

ELEFA MCPD Final Report | November 2022

ELEFA has partnered with County officials, the MCPD, the Reimagining Public Safety (RPS) Task Force, and local residents to identify, evaluate, recommend, and implement structural and systemic improvements in Montgomery County, MD. We issued a final report in November, 2022. To track the progress of implementation on task force recommendations, visit the RPS Task Force Database.

ELEFA MCPD Preliminary Report | June 30 2021

ELEFA has been selected by Montgomery County, Maryland, to support its Reimagining Public Safety Initiative. ELEFA is supporting the initiatives’ public task force responsible for making recommendations to reimagine policing in the county. A copy of the Task Force’s recommendations report can be found here. We are also currently auditing the Montgomery County Police Department’s practices as they relate to explicit and implicit bias. We issued our preliminary report in June 2021. (montgomerycountymd.gov)

Our Services

ELEFA is uniquely equipped to answer the call for change.

Re-engaging leaders and partners

to achieve the policing we deserve

Renewing a covenant of trust

between police & communities they serve

Reinventing the law enforcement mission

for public safety

Training using the ELEFA Model

for best practices in constitutional policing

Transforming police departments

through shared standards for safe & effective law enforcement

Support Effective Law Enforcement For All