We advance law enforcement that is safe & effective ​for police and the communities they serve​.

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ELEFA is proud to serve as the Independent Evaluator to the city of Minneapolis, Minnesota.


ELEFA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit formed to educate and empower the public to engage with their police departments to create law enforcement that is safe and effective for police and the communities they serve.

Our Minneapolis Team is experienced, multi-disciplinary, and diverse. We have worked with law enforcement agencies and communities nationwide under consent decrees and through self-initiated reform initiatives to implement meaningful change.

Consistent with our mission, we will be accessible to the community, uplift its voice, and ensure it has meaningful involvement in the Agreement’s implementation.

What is the Settlement Agreement?

Following an investigation by the Minnesota Department of Human Rights, on March 31, 2023, the Minneapolis City Council and Mayor Jacob Frey approved terms of a court-enforceable Settlement Agreement.

The agreement outlines specific measures to achieve lawful, non-discriminatory policing and improve public safety support in Minneapolis.

The Role of the Evaluator

ELEFA’s team was selected after a rigorous, open proposal process including community sessions in Minneapolis. Watch a recorded public session, read our proposal, or check out the Minneapolis Department of Human Right’s page on the selection process to learn more.

As the Independent Evaluator, our role is to evaluate the City’s and the Minneapolis Police Department’s compliance with the agreement, provide technical support to implementation, and report to the public on implementation status and progress.

Latest Reports

ELEFA published its first Semi-Annual Progress Review Report for the period of March-September 2024.

Upcoming Events

In-Person Community Meeting on March 12th at the Ukrainian American Community Center, Minneapolis.


ELEFA is seeking a Community Partner. This role will be focused on driving engagement in public meetings and reports. Please direct applications here.

ELEFA is establishing an Implementation Liaison Council for engaged members of the community to work more closely with the Independent Evaluator team. If you represent a community organization, please fill out our Community Map Questionnaire.

Information on public feedback for policies, including which policies are available to provide feedback and the form to do so, can be found at the City of Minneapolis Site on Police Policies & Feedback.

For press inquiries or other questions, please

contact us using the form below.

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